Friday, February 28, 2014

Renaissance Florence

Yesterday and today students followed a video clip about the Medici family and Renaissance Florence. It is posted on the Canvas module Hogue/Cobb in Renaissance. They are using a video notes Google Document to record their thoughts and reflections on the video. We will complete it and discuss on Monday.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Renaissance Assessment

Today students took the lesson 27 assessment.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Renaissance Review

Today students used class time to put together a review Google document. They worked in teams to respond to particular pieces all connected to the three big ideas of Trade, City-States, and Humanism. Your document may be used for study purposes but will not be able to be used while taking the test.

Test Tips: 
The assessment over the material in lesson 27 will be Tuesday. Students that passed out of the part one pretest will be allowed to skip continued work on the vocabulary as they already earned their 100%. The rest of the class will take parts one and two. Part one will be the vocabulary and part two an essay response over the concepts discussed and read. In order to respond to the essay question you will have to be able to explain the Renaissance in terms of how travel and commerce (trade), growth of city-states, and humanism effected and made it grow. You will also be required to explain the vocabulary terms as they relate to the Renaissance in your response, as well.

Good resources to use for study would be: 
Vocabulary Table Group terms (located in your class period modules)
Vocabulary Study Stack (located on the content page of Cobb/Hogue class for lesson 27 in Renaissance) Lesson 27 TCI Reading Notes Tables shared with you Fishbone chart
Lesson 27 The Renaissance Begins (Review)

Thursday, February 20, 2014


Today students continued work in section 2 of lesson 27. If you missed class today you should try to complete the reading notes from section one and section two. Mrs. Cobb's class is a little ahead of that point and Mr. Hogue's class will start and complete sections 3-5 tomorrow. These sections cover the ideas of Trade, Growth of city-states, and Growth of Humanism. These will be the focus of part two in the assessment on Tuesday. Both classes will wrap up lesson 27 tomorrow and spend Monday completing a review activity in preparation for the assessment on Tuesday. Check yesterday's announcement for more details about the test. You have your pre-test results from Tuesday and should use that to help you figure out which vocabulary terms gave you the most trouble.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Tuesday and Wednesday Posts

Tuesday was a different day for scheduling. We had a two hour delay and a "Friday Reads" schedule which meant only 35 minutes of class for each content period. We viewed a cultural Skype interview, talked about the main ideas that we had placed on sticky notes, and began a video clip introduction. Wednesday we really began our work in the TCI textbook as well as another video clip introduction of the Renaissance. Students completed the reading and notes in section 27.1. Some started reading in section 27.2. We will pick up there tomorrow.

Test Tips:
The assessment over the material in lesson 27 will be either Friday or Monday depending on our progress. Students that passed out of the part one pretest will be allowed to skip continued work on the vocabulary as they already earned their 100%. The rest of the class will take parts one and two. Part one will be the vocabulary and part two an essay response over the concepts discussed and read. In order to respond to the essay question you will have to be able to explain the Renaissance in terms of how travel and commerce (trade), growth of city-states, and humanism effected and made it grow. You will also be required to explain the vocabulary terms as they relate to the Renaissance in your response, as well.

Friday, February 14, 2014


Today students completed their Frayer Model vocabulary activity and we discussed each one for accuracy. Students may use this tool for vocabulary study or may use the Study Stack available on Lesson 27 content page or even choose their own method of study. The pre-test for the vocabulary portion of the test will be on Tuesday and 100% scores will test out ahead of the final part one test over the vocabulary.

Have a great extended weekend.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Frayer Model Vocabulary

Today students completed the Geography Challenge for the intro to the Renaissance section of study. We participated in a brand new idea for vocabulary and that was to complete Frayer Models as a jigsaw project in Canvas/Chromebooks and tomorrow we will combine them into one document that is accessible for student study. Tuesday we will offer a pre-test over the vocabulary terms (9) which are available on the Lesson 27 content page in the Hogue-Cobb class on Canvas. There is a Study Stack, as well. Students who score 100% will have "tested out" and will not have to take the part one test over the vocabulary when we finish the lesson. If you do not score 100% your score will not count.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Geography Challenge - Renaissance

Hello! Today students in Mrs. Cobb's class reviewed and discussed lesson 5 assessment. Students can now find final grades on HAC. Both classes then worked with partners to complete the geography challenge in TCI. Students were carefully to answer questions with complete sentences and complete thoughts. Tomorrow students with fully discuss the answers and then move on to a vocabulary activity related to lesson 27.

Introduction to Renaissance with Geography Challenge

Hello! Today students in Mrs. Cobb's class reviewed and discussed lesson 5 assessment. Students can now find final grades on HAC. Both classes then worked with partners to complete the geography challenge in TCI. Students were carefully to answer questions with complete sentences and complete thoughts. Tomorrow students with fully discuss the answers and then move on to a vocabulary activity related to lesson 27.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Second Semester Pre-Test

Today students who didn't finish the Midterm Exam from yesterday were able to finish and then move on to the pre-test for the second semester. This will be used for planning purposes for teachers, not as a part of their grade. Students in Mr. Hogue's class then viewed and discussed their results of Lesson 5 Assessment on the Decline of Feudalism. Mr. Cobb's students will discuss it tomorrow. Students were also given some choices for some background reading on the Renaissance, our next unit of study.

Second Semester Pre-Test

Today students who didn't finish the Midterm Exam from yesterday were able to finish and then move on to the pre-test for the second semester. This will be used for planning purposes for teachers, not as a part of their grade. Students in Mr. Hogue's class then viewed and discussed their results of Lesson 5 Assessment on the Decline of Feudalism. Mr. Cobb's students will discuss it tomorrow. Students were also given some choices for some background reading on the Renaissance, our next unit of study.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Midterm Exam

Today students took the midterm exam which covers learning spanning the 1st semester. This should be somewhat of a reflection of what you learned over the first half of the year and will be posted on HAC but with no weight scale. This test is an acuity test created by state sponsored test builders and consists of 35 multiple choice questions. These questions are on the difficult side and are of the nature of an ECA exam. Students could not really study for this exam as it covers a massive amount of information.

We will be having a pre-test tomorrow and will be information yet to come in quarters 3 and 4 (2nd semester).

Social studies in the sixth grade requires an end of course assessment (ECA) and it will be given near the end of the 4th quarter. The ECA will be scored for a weighted grade that will be credited to the fourth quarter and we will study appropriate vocabulary associated with the exam as well as curriculum concepts.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Decline of Feudalism

Today students took the Lesson Five: Decline of Feudalism assessment. It was in two parts. One being multiple choice concerning the vocabulary and the second an essay response to the question of Bubonic Plague, Hundred Years War, and Magna Carta and their effect on that decline. Tomorrow, students will take a Mid Term assessment over content previously studied. It consists entirely of multiple choice items.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Wednesday, Feb. 5th

Today students were treated to a snow day. Since yesterday was your review-catch up day and today was going to be your assessment, we will have the assessment tomorrow (Thursday). Remember, you may use your notes to write your analysis of how the Black Death, Magna Carta, and Hundred Years War affected the decline of feudalism. That will be part two. Part one will be multiple choice over the eight vocabulary terms. Please ask any questions that you would like tomorrow prior to the tests.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Reading Notes Complete for Hundred Years War/ Preparing for Test

Hello! Today we completed the reading for 5.3 Hundred Years War and created notes. The notes were added to the google drive document that the students have been creating to use for the test. The test is on Wednesday and will include the vocabulary multiple choice as part 1 and part 2 will be essay format. The vocabulary document created in class with the paragraphs included should already be in everyone's turn in folder. If not, please get it there as soon as possible.