
Real World: Longitude and Time Zones 4:12
Time Zones & How They Work 0:56
Longitude and Latitude 3:15
Lines of Longitude 1:47
Longitude and Latitude 0:58 California Jones
Made With Explain Everything Latitude Lines 3:31

Mentor Mob Latitude/Longitude

Geography Mapping Games (Internet sites for practice)
There are many online but these are two that look promising. Remember, you may also do a StudyStack to help you connect the countries to their capitals. You only need to focus on the ones I have given you on your handout.

 Europe Political and Physical Map

Geography Around the World Part One (Hogue Screencast)
Geography Part 2 
In case you need to go to YouTube to play the video clips, the URLs are provided below.  Part One Part Two
Page One and Two Map (Blank)   
Page One Map (Completed)
Page Two Map (Completed)