Over the course of this school year we have been involved in big transitions. We began the year using Edmodo to make our connection to home and also using it as a student academic dialogue tool. It served us very well and its Facebook look alike features were very popular. We also posted to Blogger as per our beginning of the year announcement at our family "meet and greet." We employed both systems until mid October when we began making a transition away from Edmodo to Canvas. We ran Canvas announcements as our daily blog and mirrored that blog post to this Blogger site where some of you and your children were following our posts to recount what happened in class each day.
Today, after 32,500 page views in two years, will be the final blog post to Blogger. As stated we have been mirroring our announcement posts here for the benefit of you that have followed. If you are following these posts via notifications or email thank you for your participation in your child's education. I hope this vehicle worked for you and I also hope you join us by following our blog posts in the daily announcements posted on Canvas. Canvas has features that allow you to set notifications to email or even text you when a new announcement or assignment is posted. You may log on as your child, look over their shoulder, or follow specifics through your child's period class where you are included as an "observer." I will be posting farther instructions on how to set up notifications. If you would like more information on that and I have not addressed it, please email me and I will do so. I will not be taking down this Blogger site but will not be updating nor posting any new information as we are making the complete switch to the Canvas Student Management System.
See you in Canvas,
Mr. Hogue and Mrs. Cobb