Friday, April 4, 2014

Exploration Continued

Today students continued working on the exploration lesson 32. We have been working through the reading notes and have completed the following items to date. If you have any of these blank or missing, that is what you need to complete before Monday April 14. The test will be Wednesday, April 16. Mrs. Cobb is working through the reading notes and completing the Exit Chart at the same time. Mr. Hogue's class should be complete with the reading notes and is working through the Exit Chart and it should be complete down to the start of the Spanish Exploration section. We will complete the last four sections on Monday. You also have been introduced to the Explorers Practice on Gliffy. There is a link in the Age of Exploration module in your Hogue/Cobb class as well as below. This is for practice making connections between explorers and who they were. You may also regroup the shapes to exhibit a better understanding of the concepts. There is a match component on the test. If you are behind on any of the forms, you should use TCI lesson 32 to answer all your questions. Remember, that is where our information is coming from. The video clip is just another source and is available in the module as well.

Age of Exploration - Video #1 Lesson 32
Video Notes Chart: video #1 - Reasons to, not to, and Problems they faced as well as connections on the right column. (Video #2 has not been viewed yet.)
Lesson 32 Vocabulary Chart: 10 vocabulary terms with definitions and tweets - hash-tags.
TCI Setting the Stage Europe Enters the Modern Age lesson 32 (geography challenge - which is the map and five questions)
TCI Lesson 32 reading notes for questions spelled out in the module. We are not doing them all.
Exit Chart should be completed down to start of Spanish Exploration for Hogue.

Study Tips: We are building quite the arsenal of study tools to help you prepare for the first assessment of the fourth quarter. Use them wisely.
Exit chart: This will be your required "ticket" to begin the test. Study Stack for lesson 32. This includes vocabulary and multiple choice items to help you prepare.
Explorers Practice by Gliffy. This chart will allow you to manipulate the shapes and categorize explorers with their deeds.