Tomorrow will be a study day and you will be given increments of time to work on each segment.
Wednesday Class Study Time:
- 5 minutes to login to your computer/TCI-Canvas-Drive
- 5 minutes to study vocabulary- Study your definitions document or Study Stack definitions below the game options.
- 5 minutes to play with the flash cards in Study Stack. Choose each term, say the definition quietly to yourself or write it down, and check by turning the card over. Place the ones you get correct in the correct pile and ones you miss in the incorrect pile.
- 5 minutes to take the test/quiz provided in Study Stack to see how you are set for the vocabulary. Remember, the Study Stack link is on your Hogue/Cobb class in Exploration Module or click here. If you do poorly, as in miss more than 2, you need more work on your vocabulary. Remember, there are five additional questions concerning the content learned from lesson 32. They are included in the Study Stack practice below the vocabulary terms.
- 20 minutes to complete or study the Explorers Table or play with the Gliffy sorting activity. This will prepare you for the eight matching questions over the explorers, their country they sailed for, and the region/country they sailed to.
- 20 minutes to review or rework your impact slide of choice. You should have made a copy in class Tuesday or you may click the link in the Hogue/Cobb class and make a copy of your choice. Remember, the essay will require you write about one of the impacts which will include the following information: Use the following bullet points to guide the content of your response: name of impact name of explorer responsible for impact country explorer sailed for name of country/settlement impacted (only explain about one) explain the exploration fully explain the impact (only explain about one)
Use the following bullet points to guide the content of your response:
- name of impact
- name of explorer responsible for impact
- country explorer sailed for
- name of country/settlement impacted (only explain about one)
- explain the exploration fully
- explain the impact (only explain about one)
- Remember, the impacts are clearly spelled out in the second half of each reading section. You only need to choose one impact and be sure to include the bullet points above on your essay.