Thursday, August 23, 2012

3-Item Bag Presentations

Hello! Today students worked on the arrival procedures and are getting the hang of it! About half of the students shared their 3 items which represented themselves with the class. Students were attentive and respectful and seemed truly interested in each other. Mrs. Cobb's students were given a copy of the syllabus (yellow) and need to have the bottom portion filled out and returned next week. Mr. Hogue's class will get them tomorrow. Mr. Hogue's class finished the t-shirts which are visual representions of themselves. Mrs. Cobb's class will do them tomorrow. In science class today, students joined a social studies group on the classroom site from Next week, we will go into the lab and learn more about how to use it step by step. Lots more to come about edmodo!

Homework:  3 item bag if not already presented
                     syllabus signature due 8/31