You have arrived at the Discovery Middle School social studies 6th grade blog and web page administered by Jennifer Cobb and Randy Hogue. These pages and blogs are dedicated to assisting students and parents in the efforts to keep up with not only what is going on class but also to serve as a resource to accompany our study of Greece, Rome, and the Western World.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Gallery Walk
Hey, it's Tuesday already. The days are flying by. Today students completed their vocabulary Running Word Walls. By the way, we cut them into poster size so I'm not really sure what they would be called. Anyway, they are poster like with the term, a definition, a sentence, and an illustration representing one of the eight vocabulary terms for the Greece government section of our study. Tomorrow they will walk around and gather information from their class mate's posters to help them complete a vocabulary graphic organizer. We also viewed a CNN Student News report on current events and talked very briefly about 9/11. We pushed out a video clip called The Man Who Walked Between The Towers. I have included it below if you are interested.