Monday, November 19, 2012


OK. Here we are at the start of a short week. Be sure to do your best as it is easy to let down a bit. We have places to go and things to do. Today students worked on the wrap up of chapter 2. We completed the processing page which tied the four classes of feudalism to a comparison of what we have in America. We also worked on vocabulary which will be an important part of the quiz tomorrow. And, we spent a little time building "vocabulary houses" where we grouped vocabulary terms in categories. The intention was to become more familiar with the vocab terms and use them in different ways.

 Quiz Tip: The quiz is tomorrow and will be taken on computer in a lab using Edmodo. There will be 15 questions on the C basic level. You will have to score over 70% on that section to be eligible to score on the B-A+ level. The higher level is one question and is a free response. There are four different parts to the question and you will have to answer all four completely in order to score well. There will be a minimum length requirement for a high score.

 Review: Vocabulary terms for chapter 2 (Focus Sheet Nov. 13th post); Video pushes on November 15th and 16th for review of feudalism.