Monday, December 10, 2012

Silent Conversations and Reading Notes

Hello! Today students were to come to class with the 8 vocabulary words completed on the Frayer Target (see previous post). More students than we would like didn't have this ready and unfortunately they couldn't participate in the silent conversation students had about it. Students had a silent conversation about the Frayer Target and then we discussed as a class some connections between the words. Likely, students noticed that this was not an easy task as the goal was to find connections between the words requiring them to know more than just the definitions of the words. Then students worked with their partner (or on their own) to complete the reading notes. Mrs. Cobb's class must have 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4 complete. Many students completed this before the end of class. We have decided to have the quiz on Thursday instead of Wednesday. Have a great day.