Friday, March 28, 2014

Document Work

Today students wrapped up a bit of document work. We looked at a number of Reformation period primary source documents that were difficult to analyze but the experience should be a good start to working with more documents in the future. Students will work with documents on the Performance Task and ECA assessments to be completed during the fourth quarter. We will begin work with explorers on Monday.

Students also had an opportunity to retake the Reformation assessment. This retake was for students who did not fare well on the first one and held a score cap of 75%.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

E-Learning Assessment

Students today took the assessment covering the material they studied during the e-learning activities over the last week. It will be the final grade for the third nine week period. We continued working on the text coding activity we began yesterday and will move on to more documents tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Reformation Document Based Work

Today students began a continued work in the Reformation. This time, however, we will be using documents as a basis for our work. Students will practice using documents as a specific resource on which they will base their analysis.

Monday, March 24, 2014

E-Learning Follow Up

Today in class students had an opportunity to take the Reading Challenge over lesson 30 Reformation. This was the lesson students were to complete for their Snow Make Up assignment. There will be an assessment on Wednesday over the material and it will be the final grade for the third nine weeks. Also available is a Study Stack over the same lesson that may be used to help you prepare for the test. We will begin work on the Reformation again tomorrow but will not focus on the material from the E-Learning. We will be using documents from the period.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sunday Afternoon

Greetings to Mr. Hogue's classes. My office hours have now expired and I have made comments on all the TCI submissions and video paragraph submissions that I am able. If you still have more questions or concerns, please go ahead and email as I will monitor my email to help you. Congratulations to all my students who were "on it" for the Snow Day e-learning activities and completed yours in a timely fashion. You still have tonight and tomorrow to submit your responses but I am only going to respond with "Completed for Credit" for each. The TCI will get a 4 score and the paragraphs will get a 1 score. If you look on the rubric you will see the 1 score registers a Complete for Credit note and there is no special treatment for TCI. That is why I will use the 4 there. Remember, these are not really scores at this point. They are just recorded showing that you completed them. It is very important to complete them, still, because you will be responsible for the information for the test on Wednesday wether you do or not. Tomorrow, when the due date expires, I will tabulate my record of students that completed the make up work and students that did not.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Lesson 30 Study Stack

I have provided a Study Stack to help you prepare for the Lesson 30 Assessment. This is not part of your Snow Make Up work (E-Learning) but I am posting it on an announcement and it is posted in your class period module titled Study Stack Lesson 30 to help you prepare for the assessment on Wednesday.

Friday, March 21, 2014

MLA Practice

Today students participated in a MLA Citation practice where teachers demonstrated the correct way to search out source information for correct citation. Students practiced and then were advised to go to their MLA forms, make corrections, and re submit them for scoring. If you have trouble with the re submit, please email your teacher. Remember, you were to already submit this last week and we said we would go over it again so you could make any correction necessary. We will score what you submit so please be sure to check the file to see that it is the correct one.

Remember, today is Friday and you only have until Monday to complete the E-Learning work (Snow Day Make Up). Check your teacher's "Office Hours" in order to email with questions. If you email at other times, we will respond. It just might not be immediately.

Test Tips: There will be an assessment on Wednesday over the E-Learning material. It will be an online multiple choice and true/false Canvas test. It will be over the reading in lesson 30 of TCI. Use your reading notes and video to help you prepare. You can make a Study Stack for practice, as well.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Socratic Seminar Day 3

Hello! Today most classes finished their socratic seminars today. If they didn't, we will in the first few minutes. Students did a nice job sharing what they learned about their players of the Renaissance! Students should be working on their E Learning activity. It is due on Monday.:)

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Snow Day Scoring

I have been scoring your snow day work in Mr. Hogue's class as you submit or at least trying to keep up with your submissions. Remember, this is formative and while it does not get an actual grade it will be an indicator of how you are doing with your understanding. If your response is in the ballpark I will probably make the remark "good." If I have other or more answers than you have made I will respond "I have other" or "I have x more answers." This means that you should go back and improve your answer. After I have made the response, I will not go back and change my comment. It is up to you to do additional research to add to your responses. After I have checked, made comments, and seen that you have responded to all the notes, I will give you a score of 5. That tells me that I have checked your work. You will have an opportunity in class to take the Reading Challenge and then the next day a graded assessment over the material. There will not be a retake on this assessment and it will be around 20 multiple choice and a few true/false questions. I will try to help you out by making up a study stack over the lesson 30 but cannot make any promises. Some of you have not begun your work. You had better get a start as the week is running out very quickly. Next week you will be receiving your next snow day work from other classes.

Socratic Day Two

Today was day two. We thought we could get through two seminars today but could not. Tomorrow will be day three and any students that have not participated yet will have a chance tomorrow. If you have not participated and miss tomorrow or have an issue with your prepared materials, you will not be able to participate and your score for the assessment will come from your research notes. We have moved the MLA Citation lesson back another day and you will still have an opportunity to re submit without penalty.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Socratic Seminar Day!

Today students started their socratic seminar assessment on the Players of the Renaissance. We will continue tomorrow. Students should continue their e-learning experience. Please be sure to email us with questions!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Snow Day Make Up

Today students were introduced officially to the social studies snow day make up. The general overview is available on the upper right hand side of the Discovery web page. Click the "click here" words and choose social studies and your teacher's name. The document gives a general overview and the web links to Canvas and the TCI textbook subscription. You already know how to get to both so you probably won't need that. Remember, to get to the Canvas link at home you have to use PHM in front of instructure. Go to the Snow Day Make Up module in your period class and begin at the first sequence. Good luck and remember you may email your teacher any time. Your teacher has published "office hours" during which we will respond as quickly as possible. They are published on the general overview page that I just mentioned and are written on the board in our class rooms. All your work will be completed on TCI and a written response directly on Canvas. No need for Google Drive in this one.

Tomorrow we will begin the Socratic Seminar. Remember to bring your completed seminar sheet with both your choice of best category and best person as far as impacting the Renaissance. Bring your talking voice as you will have to voice your responses in order to score well. Anyone that has not completed the sheet will be excused to complete it at the mall. Any questions, please don't hesitate to email or message Mr. Hogue. I will try to respond tonight if it is not too late.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Final Preparations for Socratic Seminar

Today students received hard copies of the rubric which will be used to evaluate the Socratic Seminar and Step #5 Synthesizing and Creating form. They are posted in the Renaissance Research module for your class period. We worked on putting together your final preparations for the seminar. The form has both questions which we have prepared for over the last week plus. We also submitted a copy of the MLA Format for Works Cited form. Have no fear, we will have a lesson after the seminar and will help you complete some samples and then you can re-submit with no penalty.

We have moved the Socratic Seminar back one day and will begin on Tuesday. You must have your Step #5 form complete as it will be checked that day even if you are not selected to participate until Wednesday. Incomplete forms will have consequences. Remember, it is your ticket to participate.

 Special Note: If you turned in the wrong file (like one that is blank) or your score is terrible, you need to re-submit. If you turned in the correct form but scored low (like you had less than three sources) you may want to do more research and re-submit. I'll make no promises but it can't hurt.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Gathering and Sharing Information Continues

Hello! Today students continued to work with their category groups to complete the group chart including the resources. Students were able to share at their table and most were able to create an impact statement for their category. We will continue with this tomorrow with the goal of jigsawing again so we have experts from each group sharing out the information gathered. We are looking at socratic seminar (the assessment for this lesson) to be either Friday or Monday.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Jigsaw Player Categories

Hello! Today, after working hard on the ISTEP, students moved to groups of students who had researched the same category of Renaissance Players. In those groups, students shared on the same document information about their player, including their source information. They color coded information from the same sources. Then students began to have academic dialogue about their players. This will continue tomorrow. Students should be working on the final completion of their Player Chart as well as their MLA style citation chart. We will turn those in together in class.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Research Renaissance Player Completed

Today, students completed their research for their Player of the Renaissance. They should have completed their research chart (People of the Renaissance) for class tomorrow. Students will be using it to share their information with their category players and then developing an impact statement for their category. Students should realize that while we are requiring 3 sources and information from 5 different topics, that we do not expect them to know everything there is to know about their person. They should however be able to tell the story of their person. ISTEPs start tomorrow so students should eat well and get a good night's sleep. We will be testing in period 1 classes for most and then continue about our day with shortened classes.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Beginnings of the Renaissance Research Project

Today students shared their collaborated information on the articles about the current situation in Ukraine. The research project was introduced. Students created a new folder in their google drive and named it Renaissance Reserach where they will keep all the documents on the module.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Current Events

Today students made their category selection (artist, scientist, leader, writer) and chose from a blind pile of Renaissance players as we prepare to enter our research of Renaissance characters. If you were absent today you may see your teacher to get your selection. We moved our focus for the day to the events in Ukraine as they unfold. Students worked in table groups collaboratively reading one of six pre-selected articles and built a presentation slide to be shared tomorrow in class. If you missed class today you may go to Hogue/Cobb class and choose one of the table numbered articles to read. You do not have to complete a summary. You will join the discussion tomorrow in class.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Completion of Renaissance Florence

Today students completed their video notes and the viewing of the video covering Renaissance Florence. We will not have an assessment over this material but will use it as a foundation for our research on the Players of the Renaissance. Speaking about our next area of focus please keep in mind that tomorrow we will be choosing the category you want to research from the following: Artists, Scientists, Leaders, and Writers. You will choose from these four and through a blind draw you will be assigned a player for your research.