Thursday, October 11, 2012

Alexander the Great, or was he?

Hey there. It's past the middle of the week. We walked through our essay on Alexander the Great's "greatness." Students researched a video clip, text book, and two primary source documents to grab traits of their subject over the past couple of days and "marked up their papers" today. We collected them but it will not go as a grade, just for student self assessment as we near the Greece final test next week. It will be a document based test similar to this experience. We have eased off the video pushes over the past week or so but will get back on track as begin work in Rome. We will begin with geography and there may be a video coming out later today or tomorrow. Once again, if there is a "turn in" button, it means you click it after viewing. The only homework is if you failed to complete the Alexander essay for absence reason or otherwise, you need to complete it and turn it in tomorrow.