Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wednesday Opening Day!

Hi and welcome to a new school year and welcome to Discovery Middle School. I hope you had a great "First Day." Today we talked about some class procedures, introduced ourselves (Mrs. Cobb, Mr. Hogue, and for some Ms O'Grady who is Mrs. Cobb's student teacher in the spring) through the use of a Three-Item Bag, had a visit from Charlie Brown about lockers, and you talked to your table groups using a Gallery Walk with images from around the world. Tomorrow or Friday you will be given your Edmodo group codes and will in fact join your class groups.

Your Home Work assignment is to gather three items into a bag and bring them to school Thursday/Friday. You will have an opportunity to share yours with your class as a way of introduction. Those who share Thursday may take their items home and those who don't will hold them for Friday. The items should represent the favorite areas of your life you would like to share with the class. They should all fit into a bag of some sort which fits in your locker and not be expensive or too fragile.