Monday, November 18, 2013


Today students in Mr. Hogue's class built Study Stacks to use in preparation for the chapter 36 test on Wednesday. It took all of the class time and some students have to complete them at home. Remember, this test is multiple choice and consists of 12 of the vocabulary plus 8 questions from the interactive notebook chapter 36. Both levels will be on one test and there may be no retakes. Mrs. Cobb's class discussed some of the interactive notebook for chapter 36 and will finish tomorrow and build Study Stacks. If you built one at home tonight, you may get to play some of the games in class tomorrow for practice. You must practice the vocabulary to do well on this test.

Since we have been talking a bit about our calendar and its origins with Julius Caesar, I came across some interesting information. Check out this Google Doc I put together. Julian / Gregorian Calendar

Remember, this will be the last week that we will be posting to Edmodo. Future posts will be to Blogger and Canvas.