Monday, February 24, 2014

Renaissance Review

Today students used class time to put together a review Google document. They worked in teams to respond to particular pieces all connected to the three big ideas of Trade, City-States, and Humanism. Your document may be used for study purposes but will not be able to be used while taking the test.

Test Tips: 
The assessment over the material in lesson 27 will be Tuesday. Students that passed out of the part one pretest will be allowed to skip continued work on the vocabulary as they already earned their 100%. The rest of the class will take parts one and two. Part one will be the vocabulary and part two an essay response over the concepts discussed and read. In order to respond to the essay question you will have to be able to explain the Renaissance in terms of how travel and commerce (trade), growth of city-states, and humanism effected and made it grow. You will also be required to explain the vocabulary terms as they relate to the Renaissance in your response, as well.

Good resources to use for study would be: 
Vocabulary Table Group terms (located in your class period modules)
Vocabulary Study Stack (located on the content page of Cobb/Hogue class for lesson 27 in Renaissance) Lesson 27 TCI Reading Notes Tables shared with you Fishbone chart
Lesson 27 The Renaissance Begins (Review)