Tuesday, August 28, 2012

First Edmodo Assignment

Hello! Today we had some things to catch up with before we could move on to new material. We completely finished 3-item bags and t-shirts. We also filled in the clock partners so we have classmates to work with cooperatively . We collected syllabus signatures (still a few out there) and Edmodo code of conduct sheets. We explained the homework found on the website for Edmodo. We believe all students have joined the social studies groups and should be able to find the assignment when they log in to Edmodo. Students will be watching a screencast on Chapter 25 the geography and settlements of Greece. Students will then write a response on their own paper and put in their binder to share tomorrow. In class tomorrow we will explain about the process for completing this at home and model what it should have looked like. Students may reply to our post, but it is not required. All replies should follow the Edmodo Code of Conduct. Students are doing a good job with this so far! In some classes, we started the Geography Challenge but will complete this tomorrow. There is no work with this outside of class.

Homework:  View Edmodo Screencast video, respond on loose leaf
                     Complete t-shirt if not finished