Friday, August 31, 2012


Wow, have we ever had a busy week. We have begun work in geography in and around Ancient Greece. Students have been introduced to and created accounts in Edmodo, a safe and secure student learning web based program. Students sign up, enter no personal information, and don't enter an email address. They can only be invited into their class group through a special group code and parents may begin an account following their child, as well. Teachers have full control of who may be in the class and can close it off from any unwanted members and even control students who wish to enter a class of which they are not a member. A special private parent code is generated for each student. Students have been participating in a big way by viewing "Flipped" videos at home and responding through quiz or written responses. Their has been somewhat of a learning curve for both students and teacher alike. We are all getting the hang of it and are ready to soar. In this way, we will "push" videos and documents out to students where they view them at home for homework. Then, in class, students collaborate, share, discuss as a class, and generally work their traditional homework with teachers on hand for questions and further elaboration on topics. The result should be more teacher time for each student as well as a chance to do "homework" in class where they can be assisted when needed. So far it has been an awesome experience and students have displayed an enormous level of interest. Our students are fired up for learning social studies like I've never seen before. Hang on because it going to be a fun ride.