Thursday, January 23, 2014

Cold Weather Thursday

Today students participated in an experience exercise called the Bubonic Plague. They were assigned cities of birth and were allowed to travel from city to city taking a chance that each may contract the illness. The exercise was to show the percentage chance that each could have become ill based on the average of approximate 30% casualty rate of the real life pandemic. Students also had an opportunity to work on their note gathering as we move closer to the assessment over Black Death, Magna Carta, and Hundred Years War. The test will be sometime early next week as we battle the start delays that the weather brings.

Note: The assessment will be in two parts. Part one will be the vocabulary and will be multiple choice. Part two will be an analysis of sorts of the three big ideas (in this case events) of Black Death, Hundred Years War, and Magna Carta. You will be able to make use of your Drive Notes, so make them complete. There will be a special emphasis on the source so mark them well.