Friday, January 31, 2014

Decline of Feudalism

Today students continued working in Lesson 5: Decline of Feudalism. They are collecting notes such as Fact, Causes, and Impacts of the Black Death, Hundred Years War, and Magna Carta in order to analyze them as to what their contribution to the decline of feudalism may be. Students are at different places in their research. All total they will have written vocabulary terms, definitions, and written the terms out in meaningful paragraphs. They should be placed in their SS turn in folders so their teacher may have access. Students should have completed their vocabulary document and be nearing 5.4 in their TCI. Everything we have done so far in lesson 5 is accessible on Canvas and TCI. Check out the content page in your Hogue/Cobb class and TCI online. Monday, we will be getting into historical fiction on the three big ideas.

If you have been absent here is a list. These are all available on the Lesson Five Content Page in the Middle Ages module in Canvas.

Create a Drive document and record the vocabulary terms/definitions and write a paragraph/s using the terms and remember to explain each term. The paragraph/s must make sense, as well. It may be a story as long as the work is correct.

Make a copy of Mr. Hogue's Chapter 5 Decline of Feudalism Notes and proceed to recording FACTS, CAUSE, IMPACT of the big ideas Black Death, Hundred Years War, and Magna Carta.

Watch the three short video clips.